Q. What is a Bucket Seat?
A. A bucket seat is a car seat which has been specially contoured to hold a single person. A simple yet elegant design which typically has a deep seating area with raised sides which partially enclose the body.
Q. What are the benefits of bucket seats for sim racing?
A. When it comes to sim racing, bucket seats strike a perfect balance between purpose and comfort. As well as offering a more immersive sim racing experience, the seats themselves are cushioned yet tight fitting allowing you to comfortably focus on your performance on the track.
Q. How can a bucket seat help me drive better?
A. Using a fixed form bucket seat helps you to reduce and remove some variables while driving which enables you to easily develop good habits and muscle memory.
Issues like seats flexing under braking pressure or unwanted lateral movement cause you to make micro-adjustments while racing. This makes it harder to develop the muscle memory you need and can even lead to developing bad racing habits as you are instinctively compensating for them.By reducing or removing these factors you’ll notice you start to perform more consistently from one lap to another. The mental and physical bandwidth you spent on making the adjustments needed instead can be attributed toward developing good habits and shaving those crucial seconds off your times.
Q. Why should I go with a GT Omega Bucket Seat for sim racing?
A. At GT Omega we strive to offer premium quality gaming equipment at affordable prices and our Bucket Seats are no different. Over 15 years of experience in the sim racing market has allowed us to deliver consistently great equipment at price points for everyone.
All GT Omega Bucket Seats come with mounting brackets and seat sliders out of the box. Many others will expect you to buy these in addition to your seat, but we know it’s an absolute must for improving your experience. Sim Racing can be an expensive hobby. Why pay more for less?
Q. What has changed from the V1 to V2 update to the CHASE Bucket Seat
A. There are a few key changes to the form of the Chase bucket seats. To find out what we've changed please check out this video overview of the update!
Q. What is included in the box for the CHASE V2 Bucket Seat?
1x CHASE V2 Bucket Seat
1x Seat Mounting Frame
1x Seat Slider Set
1x Seat Slider Bar